We’d like to officially extend our greatest thanks to everyone who contributed to the Shed Your Helmet EP crowd funding campaign!
And to everyone who shared, promoted and kept an eye on it. We were blown away by the support from all of you and feeling thoroughly encouraged, so thanks for that too! After a meeting this week with our fearless producer Eric Eggleston of Johnny Hall Productions we are all super stoked to start working on what we promise will be a killer EP. We have the dates set and we’ll be heading into the studio at the end of September, and we’ll let you all know as soon as we’ve got a date for the release.
If your looking for your well needed (and doctor recommended) Von Rex fix we have a couple of really cool shows coming up. First up, we are playing the winners circle of Beer Fest Friday: Play For The Pot at Lunenburg Pub on the 29th of August. This is the second time we have made it to the winners circle but the first time we have actually been available to play it. Then we are playing at the incredibly awesome House of Targ on September 5th. Playing here brings out something fierce out in us for some reason… can’t be sure if its the pin ball, space invaders, porgies or beer but this show will definitely be a special one.
Thanks again everybody! Hope to see you all out soon.
Posted by Riishi and tagged as